Long time no see, my Dear Blog!
almost one month, me & my parent have a religious-spiritual-(physical)-journey to Middle-East.
i want to stay focus on praying, so i didn't use my BBM access, never open my e-mail or blog, and never sign up to any social media i have (phew.. such a record for me!)
Middle-East is a very-very-very fascinating place!
fortunately, i came there on winter season, so it was not-as-hot-as-hell (not 50 degree C like many people said).
i terribly love their patterns, ornaments, mosques, deserts, square building architecture, arabic fonts, and the most beautiful praying voice and culture.
i've got so many inspiration back there.
And without any distraction (read: internet), i can think about myself, my career, my life in a better way.
i have a decision to make.
it might be crazy, but i feel it just right. (May Allah bless me, aamiin)
hope i'll come back there someday.